今週末はアルツ磐梯でキッズの為のスノーボード大会Indy Park Jam。SethがカメラマンとしてAnthonyを連れて参加しています。その様子は後日アップします。写真は昨年春の乗鞍バックカントリーで行ったスーパーキッズセッションの様子。キッズは再会とセッションを楽しんでいる事でしょう。がんばれキッズスノーボーダー![/jp][en]Norikura’s snow keeps always good condition. The base of the ski resort is 1500m high. It is top altitude for regular ski resorts. And the top is 1900m high. So Norikura is not a ski resort but a “mountain”. It causes strong wind though the wind keeps good snow here. BUT from last night, it rained until this morning. It turned to snow early in the morning though today’s condition was almost like in spring. Even though such a condition, it was better than other ski resorts in Nagano and we could have lots of guests.
A snowboard competition for kids, Indy Park Jam is being held at ALTS Bandai this weekend. Our staff, Seth is joining as an official photographer and Anthony is joining it as a competitor. We will post about it later. The photo for today is the one taken at Super Kids Session at Norikura Backcountry last spring. I hope they enjoy seeing them each other and the session in the comp.[/en]
Nice, shot. I just got back last night from ALTS Bandai after a great Jam session.