
とにかく、この夏らしい天気を待っていたかのようにゲストの皆さんがマウンテンバイク、リバーハイクを楽しんでいます。下の写真は最近のMTB&リバーハイクの様子です。リバーハイクは今月末まで、MTBガイドツアーは10月末までです。ぜひノーススターで乗鞍のアウトドアを楽しんで下さい。[/jp][en]Well we have been waiting for what seems like forever for Summer to get here and now that we finally have some Summer weather, it feels like fall is on the way. Wow, I never thought Summer could be so fast.

And now that we have had some good weather people are enjoying Mt. Biking, River Hiking and many more great outdoor activities you can do here in Norikura. Below you can see some photos from a recent River Hike and a guided Mt. Bike tour. We will be running the River Hike activity until the end of August and Mt. Biking until end of October, so please come enjoy the outdoors with us in Norikura. [/en]