Since yesterday we have been hosting some elementary kids for a school trip and we enjoyed a nature walk to one of the local waterfalls called Zengoro Falls. Today we rotated 4 different activities in and around the NORTHSTAR Lodge.

Dan and YMKN were leading the “Repelling” activity. Everyone gets a harness and a helmet and then is lowered over a small cliff of about 5m. This activity can be scary even for adults but give people a good chance to reflect and think about challenge in their lives. We also offer indoor wall climbing which is great for teaching trust and challenge but there is something about being outdoors, getting a bit dirty and feeling the elements that helps people experience true adventure.


Dan talked about “conquering fear” and how this topic applied to the repelling activity. He asked the kids questions like “were you scared before you tried?”, “how did you feel after you did it, and were you able to trust me, the harness, the rope?”. As the kids processed these questions they realized that they can conquer other fears they may have at school, home or in life. This was just an example of one of Education programs that we do for kids but this can also be applied to adult and other Groups.